
Tuesday 27 December 2011

Thinking Ahead - 2012

Now that 2011 is approaching it's end, I'm doing what many other people are doing this time of year. I'm thinking about all the things I've accomplished this year and all the things I wish I did. This is the time to think about all the goals you want to achieve in the New Year. I'm sure there are a lot of skeptics who think new year's resolutions are a waste of time because they only last a week.

 With that attitude I'm not surprised they only last a week! You need to be committed to your goals, to vow to see them through. If your new year's resolutions never stick then maybe you should consider lowering the bar a little.

For example, if your resolution last year was to quit smoking and it didn't last. I know that to quit smoking can be very difficult, to kick any habit is very difficult. So instead of saying you'll stop completely, you should give yourself little targets throughout the year or for the whole       year like 'I will cut down to 1 pack a week' these little targets are obviously dependant on how much you smoke. But cutting the big resolutions into smaller pieces makes it a lot easier to digest and follow through. Remember it's not important that you stop whatever your habit is straight away, what is important is that you're taking steps towards stopping.

Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time.  ~Mark Twain

This gem of a quote nicely sums up what I'm saying, thanks Mark.

Now I'm going to be thinking about my resolutions for 2012 and since so many people keep saying it's going to be the end of the world as we know in December 2012 I'm going to make it the best damn year ever! (Just in case :P) Stay tuned for my resolution post folks. Oh and I hope you had a very Merry Christmas :)


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