
Friday 25 November 2011

16:33 - No comments

Sky Diving - Done!

Since I already started crossing things off before I made this blog, I thought I'd tell you about the goals I've already achieved. This biggest one for me was Sky Diving!!

When I started Uni, I joined a club I spotted at freshers week 'Northumbria University Trainee Skydivers'. They said it would cost £5 to join the club and £150 pounds for the initial training and my first jump. Every jump after that is just £33 with every 4th jump free. I could think of no better way of spending my student loan, so off I popped to bank and got myself on the first course which was on the first week of October. The training took place at Peterlee Parachute Centre in Shotton Colliery and involved a lot of rolling on the floor and dangling/flailing in a harness from the ceiling. (I'm the girl on the right in the photo). All in all the training was fun, apart from the written test at the end.

Unfortunately, the weather wasn't brilliant that weekend and many weekends after, so I didn't actually get to jump until 5th November. Which gives me another reason to always 'remember, remember the 5th November'. I can tell you now there is no chance of me forgetting my first jump. It was AMAZING! I did a static line jump, which basically means that I go up in a small plane and as I jump out, a static line (A bit of cord) pulls my parachute out for me and then I take it to the ground. You have to walked out on to a ledge on the outside of the plane and hold on to a pole. When the instructor yells 'GO!' you're supposed to jump, I have to admit it took a while for the message to register. I held onto that pole for dear life! When I eventually let go, I didn't really jump off, I fell off. I might of screamed a little too and I kept looking up waiting for my parachute to open! After about 5 agonising seconds I see the parachute above my head and start to relax. Sort of. It was such an amazing experience and one I highly recommend. It's just you 1000's of feet above everyone else. When the time came for landing I got nervous again but I had no need, I landed smoothly on my feet :). Everyone who completed their first jump got a certificate :). I won't be able to jump again until after Christmas, but I plan on doing lots in summer and hopefully in a few years I'll be fully qualified! How cool is that?!

Don't know why I'm making a strange face, but I loves my certificate :) 


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